Dataloft Briefing notes 8: Community – How important is community to renters?


Dataloft Briefing notes | Addressing topical issues in UK rental markets

In the latest in our series of Briefing notes we explore the question of how important community is to renters. The survey was conducted across the whole private rental market but has important implications for designing and delivering build to rent stock.

A pdf of this report is available to download here

Briefing notes in this series

Issue 1: Short term loss of rental income – how vulnerable are UK cities?
Issue 2: Short term fall in earnings – how vulnerable are UK rental markets?
Issue 3: Short term loss of overseas students – how vulnerable are UK rental markets?
Issue 4: Open market rental values – what happened to values in London at the height of lockdown?
Issue 5: Vulnerable employment sectors – which residential rental markets are most exposed to an increase in unemployment?
Issue 6: Single family housing – exploring the opportunity in UK rental markets.
Issue 7: Moving renters – how long do renters stay in their homes?
Issue 8: Community – How important is community to renters?
Issue 9: Eco-Step Scores – Measuring biodiversity in urban areas
Issue 10: Rental potential –Using affordability to assess headroom for rents